Mold Remediation & Removal

Don’t let mold ruin your home

Regain Control

Enhance Property Value

Renew Your Health

Mold Remediation & Removal | Mold Remediation 

We understand that mold is more than just a surface issue—it’s a symptom of a deeper moisture problem. Our comprehensive approach doesn’t just treat the symptoms; we focus on the cause.

PureOne’s Triple Shield Mold Defense: Identify, Eliminate, Protect

Shield 1: Root Cause Identification
We don’t guess—we investigate. Understanding the source is crucial for lasting results.

Shield 2: Professional Mold Removal
No fogging. No “spray and pray.” We believe in thorough, hands-on remediation.

Shield 3: Home Health Restoration
We ensure your home is safe, comfortable, and mold-resistant. With our Triple Shield approach, you’re not just getting mold removal—you’re investing in your home’s long-term health and your family’s well-being.

Understanding Mold: Nature’s Recycler Gone Rogue in Your Home

These tiny organisms are nature’s recyclers, breaking down organic matter and returning nutrients to the environment. However, when mold finds its way indoors, it can become a significant problem for homeowners.

  • Health Concerns: Mold can cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and other health issues, especially in sensitive individuals 
  • Structural Damage: As mold grows, it can break down building materials, compromising your home’s integrity.
The Root Cause: Moisture

Mold growth in buildings is typically triggered by water intrusion or elevated humidity levels. Addressing moisture problems is crucial in preventing and controlling mold growth.

At PureOne Services, we tackle mold problems with a comprehensive, science-based approach:
Thorough Inspection: We identify all mold growth and moisture sources.

  1. Containment: We use advanced techniques to prevent cross-contamination during removal.
  2. Professional Removal: Our team physically removes mold growth – no shortcuts or cover-ups.
  3. Advanced Equipment: We utilize HEPA-filtered air scrubbers and vacuums for thorough cleaning.
  4. Material Treatment: Some materials can be sanitized, while others may need removal and replacement.
  5. Moisture Control: We ensure proper drying to prevent future mold growth.

Ready to tackle your mold problem the right way?

Contact PureOne Services today. Let’s work together to create a mold-free, healthy living space for you and your loved ones.


  • Bathrooms
  • Under the kitchen sink
  • Basements
  • Attics
  • Closets

The Right Way to Remediate Mold: Following National Standards for Your Safety

🛡️ Protect Your Home and Health with Professional Mold Removal. When it comes to mold remediation, cutting corners isn’t just ineffective—it’s potentially dangerous. At PureOne Services, we adhere strictly to the National Standard for Mold Remediation, ensuring your home is truly safe and healthy.


  • Leaky roofs
  • Flooding
  • Pipe Leaks
  • Shower/bath steam
  • Humidifiers

The PureOne Promise: Comprehensive Mold Remediation

We don’t take shortcuts. Our process includes:

  1. Thorough inspection and moisture source identification
  2. Complete physical removal of all mold growth
  3. Addressing moisture issues
  4. Proper disposal of contaminated materials
  5. Post-remediation verification for your peace of mind

The Hidden World of Mold: Uncovering the Unseen Threat in Your Home

The Perfect Storm for Mold Growth

When conditions align, dormant mold spores spring to life:

  1. Adequate moisture or humidity
  2. Suitable temperature
  3. Available food source (organic materials)
Warning Sign: The Musty Smell

If you detect a musty odor, it’s a clear indicator that mold is actively growing somewhere in your environment, even if you can’t see it

Four Often Overlooked Mold Hideouts

1. The Unreachable Spaces
  • High horizontal surfaces (crown moldings, door jambs)
  • Tops of kitchen cabinets and bookcases
  • Dust-covered areas (likely containing settled mold spores)
2. The Invisible Zones
  • Dark, rarely accessed closets
  • Packed storage spaces
  • Behind large appliances (like refrigerators)
3. The Moisture Magnets
  • Refrigerator drip pans
  • Small, undetected plumbing leaks
  • Washing machine connections
4. The Stagnant Air Pockets
  • Behind furniture pressed against walls
  • Overstuffed utility closets
  • Poorly ventilated spaces

Proactive Mold Prevention

  1. Regular, thorough cleaning, especially in hard-to-reach areas
  2. Periodic checks of hidden spaces
  3. Prompt addressing of any moisture issues
  4. Ensuring proper ventilation in enclosed areas

Contact PureOne Services today for a comprehensive mold inspection and remediation plan.

At PureOne Services, we’re experts at uncovering hidden mold and addressing it effectively. Let us help you create a healthier living space for you and your family.